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  ### 贵州黔东州手机屏蔽仪出租租赁成功案例


  #### 案例背景


  #### 服务过程

  1. **需求分析**:缘通租赁的专业团队首先与校方进行了深入沟通,详细了解了学校的具体需求,包括考场数量、面积、布局以及所需屏蔽的频段等,确保方案精准对接。

  2. **方案定制**:根据学校需求,缘通租赁迅速制定了详细的租赁方案,包括设备型号选择、数量配置、安装调试计划及租赁周期等,并提供了多套备选方案供学校选择。

  3. **高效配送与安装**:在确认方案后,缘通租赁迅速组织物流,将设备安全送达学校。同时,派遣经验丰富的技术人员进行现场安装与调试,确保每台设备均能稳定、有效地覆盖指定区域。

  4. **使用培训与指导**:为确保学校工作人员能够熟练操作设备,缘通租赁还提供了专业的使用培训,详细讲解了设备的开关机、故障排查及日常维护等注意事项。

  5. **全程跟踪服务**:租赁期间,缘通租赁设立了24小时客服热线,随时解答学校在使用过程中遇到的问题,确保考试顺利进行。

  #### 客户反馈



  #### 成功举办的细节展示

  - **精准覆盖**:缘通租赁提供的手机屏蔽仪精准覆盖了所有考场,确保了信号屏蔽无死角,有效防止了作弊行为的发生。

  - **高效安装**:技术团队在短时间内完成了所有设备的安装调试工作,确保了考试的如期进行。

  - **无忧服务**:租赁期间,缘通租赁的客服团队随时待命,解决了学校在使用过程中遇到的所有问题,让学校无后顾之忧。

  #### 结语



  ### English Version

  **Successful Case of Mobile Phone Signal Jammer Rental in Qiandong Prefecture, Guizhou**

  In the rapidly evolving digital era, electronic devices have become indispensable in daily life and work. However, in specific settings such as examination halls, conference rooms, and confidential areas, ensuring an electromagnetic-free environment and information confidentiality is crucial. Responding to this need, Yuantong Rental successfully provided efficient and convenient mobile phone signal jammer rental services to various organizations and individuals in Qiandong Prefecture, Guizhou, earning widespread praise.


  A prestigious high school in Qiandong Prefecture, known for its high educational standards, prioritized fairness and integrity in examination environments. As technological advancements facilitated cheating through mobile devices, the school sought to introduce signal jamming technology for its upcoming final exams. Opting for cost-effectiveness and flexibility, the school chose Yuantong Rentals short-term mobile phone jammer rental service.

  **Service Process**

  1. **Needs Analysis**: Yuantong Rentals professional team conducted thorough discussions with the school, understanding their specific requirements, including the number of exam rooms, their sizes, layouts, and required frequency bands.

  2. **Customized Solution**: Based on the schools needs, Yuantong Rental swiftly formulated a detailed rental plan, selecting appropriate jammer models, configuring quantities, arranging installation schedules, and setting the rental period. Multiple alternative plans were also offered for school consideration.

  3. **Efficient Delivery & Installation**: The equipment was safely delivered to the school, accompanied by experienced technicians who conducted on-site installation and调试, ensuring stable and effective coverage in designated areas.

  4. **User Training & Guidance


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